Title Author(s)
Are the Insides of a Smartphone Different from a Desktop? Study about Preconceptions of 6th and 8th Graders Comparing Hardware Components Anna Yaghobová, Anna Drobná, Marek Urban and Cyril Brom
Card-Based Activity to Raise People’s Awareness about how the Digital World Works Sébastien Combéfis
Development of Interactive Database Courses Using aDBenture, H5P and Storytelling Nina Lobnig, Claudia Steinberger, Andreas Bollin
DigiFit4All - Advantages and Challenges of Competency-Based and Personalized Open Online Courses (POOCs) Tatjana Angermann, Stefan Pasterk, and Andreas Bollin
DigiTeaMap: A Digital Map to Represent Addressed Competencies in Digital and Computer Science Education in Austria Stefan Pasterk, Corinna Hörmann and Andreas Bollin
Exploring Physical Computing In Schools: Designing a Longitudinal Study Sue Sentance and Jessie Durk
Knowledge of Cookies and Personalized Ads among Lower Secondary Students: Effects of a Simple Treatment Cyril Brom, Anna Yaghobová, Anna Drobná, Daniel Šťastný and Marek Urban
Novice Primary School Teachers’ Conceptions of Internet Structure: A Qualitative Analysis Anna Drobná, Anna Yaghobová, David Šosvald, Daniel Šťastný, Marek Urban and Cyril Brom
PRIMMDebug: A Tool and Process for Teaching Text-Based Debugging to Beginner Programmers Laurie Gale and Sue Sentance
Towards Generating Bebras Tasks Using Large Language Models: What Criteria to Use for Evaluation Mohsen Asgari, Filip Strömbäck and Linda Mannila
Fostering AI Literacy in Primary Education Gabrielė Stupurienė and Gintarė Perednytė